Wednesday, April 11, 2012

J is for Juggling

I am a writer.

I am also a wife, mother, daughter, homeschool teacher, tutor, church leader, lifeguard, seamstress, cook, chauffeur, maid, gardener, friend, volunteer, accountant, critique partner, reader, shopper, and blogger :). You get the idea.

I'm sure this is pretty typical for most people. So how do we juggle it all? Honestly, I'm still trying to figure it out. I tend to focus on one or two areas with a vengeance and move on to the next with equal fervor as opposed to finding a nice balance among everything. This makes for too many late nights and an exhausted mom. I'll let you know when I've got it down. :)

Until then, let me know how you manage to juggle everything in your life and still stay sane. I could use some good pointers.


jaybird said...

You'll have to tell me when you figure it out! I lack the skills to multi-task without seeming to drop the ball somewhere...

The best advice I have to give is just do your best. It's all we can do. And breathe! Sometimes I feel like I haven't taken a full inhale of oxygen since my kids were born, LOL

Jen said...

Quiet time/you time. That would be my best advise, just make sure that you carve out some quiet time out from all the craziness for yourself.

F said...

I think time management for me is a massive help in juggling everything. There can be a lot going on sometimes, and the smaller things like writing can get lost. But over the years, I've found if you try and plan for these things, it's a lot easier to get everything done.

I keep a little do-to list every month of things which have to be done. By putting it in a reasonable time limit, I manage to get around to everything whilst still retaining my personal needs, such as writing and socialising. That's how I try and juggle everything anyway. For the most part, I find it really effective!

Sara Hill said...

Expect things to take longer than they do. Don't expect to be perfect. Do the best you can and don't worry about the rest. Laugh. And love your family.

Stephanie said...

Now and then you will drop one or two balls. Scoop them back up and keep going, you'll pick the rhythm up again soon.

Morgan said...


How true is this???

Gah. If you figure out the secret to it all, will you tell me? ;)

ilima said...

Jaybird-Just breathe...yes!

Jen-Quiet time...hahahahahahahahaha.

Fiona-I need to hire you as my personal assistant.

Sara-It's that worrying about the rest that gets me.

Stephanie-Thanks. Great advice.

Morgan-I'll let you know the very minute I do. :)

Robin said...

Seriously, I want to know the secret. People always tell me to simplify, but I can't cut out everything-I need a better solution:)

Funny in My Mind said...

I make lists in order of importance. When I tackle the things I don't want to do, I give myself a treat. Shoes, margaritas, blog time, whatever.
I never get to the bottom of my lists though and I am not even a little bit sane!!

Cassie Mae said...

Mountain Dew Therapy. ;)

But really, I'm still trying to figure it out too!

Emily R. King said...

Ha! I'm a juggler, like you. There's so much going on. I'm amazed I even sleep. :)

Jenny S. Morris said...

Juggling should have been in my wordle. Juggling Jenny Ass. ;-)

ilima said...

Robin-We are having spring break right now, and I think that might be the key. Scouts, dance, church activities, shool, choir, Tae Kwon Do, etc. are all cancelled this week and I'm loving it. So basically, have nothing going on and it's all good.

Funny in My Mind-I need to do more treats. Alas, there is no chocolate in the house. What to do? What to do?

Cassie-Diet Coke for me. But, yes. Therapy.

Emily-Sleep? Who needs sleep?

Jenny-Still laughing about Jenny Ass over here. :)

Tonja Drecker said...

Rest - What is that?
Quiet - Does that exist?
free time - I heard of that once!

Seriously, I think the key is to realize that one can't do everything, but can do anything.

Sherri Lackey said...

Stay sane you say? Sanity is overrated. :) Just go with the flow as much as possible. I have three kids, all homeschooled. The two oldest have started college and just one is left in high school. She manages her time well, which gives me time to write.

Kathryn Purdie said...

This is about my worst skill in the world. I can do only do one thing well at a time. I do not know how to balance at all. I'm sure I'll end up in the loony bin one day. Today I'm fighting off a major anxiety attack because I've had to work all day for my paying job and have had NO time for writing...and that's where my brain and focus is. Help!

G.M. said...

A practical advice, Ilima. You listed 19 tasks that you are juggling. Keep giving 100% to being a wife, mother, daugther and homeschool teacher. Cut 10% from all other tasks. Interesting that you are a church leader (J for Jesus) and a lifeguard. Pomaika i !

Jaycee DeLorenzo said...

I have perpetual dark circles under my eyes, but it's worth it. :D

Kelley Lynn said...

Less sleep...

And I've discovered a way to slow time and grow more arms so I'm able to get more done in a day then the normal person ;) ;)