***Edit: Natalie posted a video of her cupcake eating dare today. It's awesome, and also kind of gross. :)
Friday, May 31, 2013
Transparent Book Launch
***Edit: Natalie posted a video of her cupcake eating dare today. It's awesome, and also kind of gross. :)
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Sunshine Award
Thanks to Sheena-kay for awarding me the Sunshine Award...given to bloggers who "positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere." I just have to answer a few questions about myself and pass it on. Here goes...
What inspired you to start blogging?
Nothing profound. Just something I thought I was supposed to do as an aspiring author.
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
It used to be called Ka'ao, which is Hawaiian for 'tell a fanciful tale.' But then I changed it to my name to make it less confusing.
What is your favorite blog that you like to read?
Tough one. Too many to list. So I'm gonna cheat and share a tumblr account that I read faithfully every day: Title To Come.
What is your dream job?
I'm living it, baby. Wife. Mother. Writer. Dreams=realized.
Is your glass half full or half empty?
Yes. As in both. Even if things feel half empty for me on the inside, I try really hard to pretend it's half full. A lot of times, that will change my inside view for the better. :)
If you could go anywhere for a week's vacation, where would you go?
Do you really mean anywhere? Cause my answer would be space. In a rocket. To the moon or Mars or wherever. It's all cool.
What food can you absolutely not eat?
Bread pudding. There is something seriously wrong about soggy bread.
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Dark. Why is this even a question?
How much time do you spend blogging?
Not as much as I'd like, which is probably a good thing.
Do you watch TV--if so, what are some of your favorite shows?
Not much. I'm more of a movie girl. But I'll watch Firefly or BSG or Arrested Development. I was excited for the new episodes this past weekend but lost interest the second one in. If any one else tuned in on Netflix, did it get any better beyond that one?
I'm going to pass the sunshine award along to: EVERYBODY!!!
I want to live where soul meets body and let the sun wrap its arms around me...
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 18 comments
Monday, May 27, 2013
Ben Wolverton Donation Bomb
Ben's treatments are already over $1,000,000. He will need extensive therapy as he relearns how to walk. He is the son of author David Farland, and they need our help. So a bunch of us writers are promoting a donation bomb on June 7th to contribute. You can donate via the button below or go to www.HelpWolverton.com for other ideas to help. The idea is to bring a surge of support for their family and hope for Ben's recovery.
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 8 comments
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Winner! and some thoughts on YA covers
I've been thinking about book covers lately. You might have heard about Maureen Johnson's Coverflip. Do you think publishers try to target a certain gender readership, and more importantly, do you think they should? Does it create stereotypes? Are boys really that embarrassed to be caught reading a book with a girl on the cover? And if so, should we make covers that are more universal or teach readers to be less critical?
I've also noticed a lot of readers don't like people on covers and prefer more abstract images or scenery. I do like people on covers because it's usually the characters I'm drawn to first in a book, but agree with those who are upset when that person on the cover is not how they imagined him/her at all. Which is why I think the backside view is so popular right now.
What kind of book covers do you prefer?
Speaking of covers, I wrote a short story a couple of years ago about a murder mystery writer and had so much fun coming up with titles for her books. Well, for Mother's Day, my 13-year-old daughter surprised me with covers she designed for each of those fake books. Best. Gift. Ever. My husband filmed my reaction...I was crying from laughing so hard, and I hope that video never makes it out of his camera phone. But I would love to share what she came up with. I think she did a pretty awesome job. :)

Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 15 comments
Monday, May 20, 2013
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 20 comments
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Me...being all official-like
If you don't have super-hero vision, here it is in human-sized font:
Ilima Todd's REMAKE, a girl has to choose a name, trade and gender before her seventeenth birthday, but is catapulted by a gruesome shuttle crash into a world where choice takes on an entirely new meaning, to Chris Schoebinger at Shadow Mountain, in a very nice, two-book deal, for publication in summer 2014, by Jennifer Skutelsky and Katherine Boyle at Veritas (World).
And here I am signing my contract:
So it has to be real now, right? I'm not just imagining it? *pinches self*
To celebrate, I'm giving away a $20 Barnes & Noble giftcard. All you have to do is tell me your favorite YA book cover(s) in the comments. I'll randomly select a winner. Easy peasy!
I promised a Storymakers Conference report, but life is CRAZY this week and I won't have time until next week. Apologies.
Until then, lets reread my PM announcement again. ;)
Posted by ilima at 11:44 AM 39 comments
Friday, May 10, 2013
My Book Deal News...brought to you Firefly style
And thoughts about sending them all here...
And even this...
Posted by ilima at 6:54 AM 36 comments
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Party Like A Writer
I'm so excited because today I'm headed to the Storymakers Conference in Utah. I attended last year and had a fantastic experience (successful pitch session, praise for my query, second-place prize for my first chapter, etc). But this year I'm mostly excited because I know so many more writers online and get to meet a ton of them at the conference. It's gonna be so fun!
I'll have pictures and a report of the conference up on the blog next week along with some good news to share.
Have a great weekend. I hope everyone comes back on Monday, safe and sound. ;)
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 7 comments
Monday, May 6, 2013
Friday Night Alibi Cover Reveal
Let's all dance together!
I'm super thrilled to show you all my cover for my New Adult debut, FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI, published by Random House Flirt. This baby comes out on July 29th, but you can buy it now! And it'll just zap onto your ereader the day it's released.
Wanna know what it's about? Well, it's about this pig who learns how to fly, but only on friday nights and he grants wishes to people who are not where they're supposed to be, to get them out of a bind. You know I'm totally joking. I just wanted to see how many people just skipped over all these words to get to the pretty cover, lol. You mention the pig in the comments and you get cyber gold stars.
Here's the blurb :D
Rising star Cassie Mae introduces New Adult readers to a practical soon-to-be college freshman who seems to have everything—until a special guy shows her what she’s been missing.
In the wealthy town of Sundale, Kelli Pinkins has hatched the perfect plan to capitalize on her sweet reputation. For a generous fee, she will be every trust-fund baby’s dream: a Friday-night alibi, the “girlfriend” or “BFF” that parents dream about. With college approaching in the fall, Kelli’s services are in demand more than ever, which means that her social life is nonexistent. But Kelli is A-okay with that. She’s raking in cash for school. Besides, relationships are tricky, and sometimes very messy. She’d rather be at home on Xbox LIVE, anyway. Then the unexpected happens: She meets college stud Chase Maroney.
Chase isn’t like the preppy, privileged guys Kelli usually meets in Sundale. For starters, he’s twentysomething, always wears black, and he shoots back one-liners as fast as she can dish them out. But Kelli’s attempts to drive Chase away falter when she realizes that he treats her like he really knows her, like he cares about knowing her. When Kelli finally gives in to the delicious kiss she’s been fighting for so long, she faces a tough decision: make Chase a real-life boyfriend and risk her heart . . . or keep her clients and lose her first true love.
Advance praise for Friday Night Alibi
“Totally entertaining with as many swoon-worthy moments as hilarious ones, Friday Night Alibi is a must-read.”—Jolene Perry, co-author of Out of Play
“A fun, funny, and fantastic story, this is one you will read in a day, and pick up to re-read again the next.”—Kelley Lynn, author of Fraction of Stone
Oh, and stuff about me too.

And now the pretty!
You can buy this book HERE, and it takes you to all the places it's available. Yay! My first published book with MY NAME ON IT! Squee!!!
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 18 comments
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
I.W.S.G.--Nerds Unite
Last year I attended a writers conference for science fiction and fantasy writers...and it was a little scary. Not because I worried about my outfit or wondered if I'd make friends like the first day of junior high, but because the attendees were scary themselves. It was a bonafide nerd fest that I wasn't quite prepared for.
Some people didn't seem to understand basic social skills--standing or sitting too close, interrupting a private conversation, stalking-like behavior. Not to mention the capes, swords, and number of times the word "dragon" was mentioned. They even held a class about basic social skills for writers, lol.
I get it, sometimes writers can be awkward introverts who don't get out much, and those who live and breathe stories not of this world are probably nerdier than your average writer. Of course I prided myself in being a completely normal, socially pleasant exception.

Then I glanced to a table filled with greasy dirty car mechanics, and a couple of them were staring at me--ME! And not because I had it going on, either. Their scrunched and disdained faces made that very clear. I looked down to see my capri sweats revealing legs I hadn't shaved in days and a family reunion t-shirt with a mysterious stain in front. I was clutching a handful of mild sauce packets like my life depended on it and swinging my receipt through the air to a frantic beat only I could hear.
And then it hit me...I'm a writing nerd. I acted as though this was the first daylight I'd seen in days, I people-watched without any sense of constraint, and my wardrobe--well, let's just say it was lucky I had clothes on at all.
Why am I worrying? Because next week I'm attending another writers conference where I'll be meeting A TON of writers I've only met online. I WAS excited, but now I'm insecure...will they think I'm socially awkward, look like the blob from outer space, wonder how I manage to function on a daily basis? Also, does it matter? I don't know.
Calling all nerds, how long did it to take you to guess what movie this is from?
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 24 comments
Buy my books!
Who am I anyway?
This is me