Happy 10th birthday to my little guy today! We're throwing him a Minecraft party. It's been fun trying to make everything cube-shaped for the celebration. :)
Starting on Monday, I'll be participating in the A to Z challenge, where bloggers post every day during the month of April except Sundays. This will be my second year joining in, and I've decided to spotlight my favorite YA girl characters from books I've read. I hope you'll stop by and tell me about some of your favorite literary characters during the month as well.
I'll be celebrating a joyous Easter this weekend and wish you and your family a very happy holiday. See you on Monday!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
A to Z and Happy Easter
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 14 comments
Monday, March 25, 2013
New Website
Well, in case you haven't noticed, we've got some big changes around here: a new web design complete with links up there and everything. That's right, I'm all high tech now. With a simple click you can read more than you ever wanted to know about me or see where else I am on the interwebs. Even my Facebook and Twitter accounts are all matching now. Ooh lala.
The cool thing about this design is that there's special meaning to the red stars up top and tribal pattern below, but I'll save that explanation for another day. For now, feel free to look around and tell me what you think. And if you do choose to follow me on FB or Twitter or whatever other social media thing I've listed under the contact page, I'll follow you back.
I almost forgot to announce the winner of my 300 follower celebration from a couple weeks back. So who gets a 10-page critique from me? --everyone who asked for one. Yipee! So Jaybird, Connie, Suzanne, Leigh and Tammy...send your 10 pages over to me whenever you're ready. There's no expiration for this offer, so just send it when it's best for you. My email is under the contact tab above. Yay!
I'm feeling kind of zen today, so I'll leave you with a song from one of my favorite music-to-read-to artists, Dustin O'Halloran. Ahh, life is good.
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 21 comments
Thursday, March 21, 2013
It's a waterfall--small and secluded at the end of a trail a few miles from my childhood home. I grew up loving this place. It was a half-day's hike through orchard and forest, then rock and dense bush, quite a feat for a small child. I would imagine myself living there with wild animals as my friends. As I got older, it morphed into fantasies of meeting some handsome boy that would fall in love with me. And later, a cherished destination that I wanted to share with my own children.
Not surprisingly, it became the setting of the very first scene of the very first book I ever wrote. There is no doubt my favorite places have influenced my writing. They appear, in one form or another, in all of my stories, and I'm sure they always will.
The waterways in Venice. Neuschwanstein castle at sunset. Lanikai beach early in the morning. The Wasatch mountains at the peak of autumn. These are a few of my favorite places. What are some of your favorites?
This video is a prime example of how powerful setting can be.
It's really something to see.
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 20 comments
Monday, March 18, 2013
Top Ten Movie Countdown
Here is the countdown of my top ten favorite movies:
10. Ladyhawke--A fantasy of forbidden love with Matthew Broderick and Michelle Pfeiffer...um, yes please.
9. Whale Rider--Overcoming tradition and fulfilling your destiny...LOVE this movie about a girl longing for love and acceptance.
8. Inception--I remember sitting in the theater watching Eclipse and wishing I could be in the next room watching Inception again. Everything a great mind-bending sci-fi should be.
7. The Village--Yes, I'm a big fan of M. Night Shyamalan. *ducks tomatoes* But come on, Lucius Hunt. *swoons*
6. Sweet Land--An indie-film about immigrant America...beautiful beautiful film (and love story)!
5. V for Vendetta--I've only seen an edited version of this, but if you're looking for a girl-power dystopian that will resonate for a long time...this is it.
4. Serenity--I'm cheating because really I want to put "Firefly" here, but it's not a movie. :)
3. Last of the Mohicans--I think I've seen this movie a hundred times. And no, I'm not exaggerating. I can recite Every Single Line from the movie.
2. Warrior--Who knew a story about Mixed Martial Arts could make me cry buckets every time I watch it?
1. Pride & Prejudice--The Keira Knightly version. The cinematography is insane, the music beautiful, and Mr. Darcy's long walk in the sunrise to proclaim his love...how can you go wrong?
Do you like any of these movies? Tell me your favorites in the comments. And go here to see who else is participating in the blogfest.
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 44 comments
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Author Events
Tomorrow night, I'm going to this:
I'm excited because hello...Brandon Mull and Christopher Paolini? Um, yes. But also because this is the very first writerly event that I'm going to with my whole family. The hubs and kids are coming too, and I'm excited that they're excited so we've got lots of excited at our house right now.
The only problem is since this is their first book signing / event / launch thingy, they might get these fantastical expectations that my book events will be like this one day. You all know how hard it is to convince friends and family that as a writer you will not be rich or famous, own a private jet, or start wearing designer clothing to clean the bathroom. So this really isn't going to help that cause.
Oh, well. I've decided to just enjoy it with those I love and revel in the presence of super cool writers.
Any one else going to this event? Have you ever taken your family to book signings or launches? Will I ever be rich enough to own my own big jet plane?
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 26 comments
Monday, March 11, 2013
Lotsa Love
Happy birthday to my little sister today. Love you Leimomi!
Hey, lookie there ---> I've hit 300 followers! How about a 10 page critique from me to celebrate? If you're interested, let me know in the comments and I'll randomly choose a winner!
So much love through the blogosphere last week for great writers and great causes. Like an anthology about overcoming adversity to help send a young man with cerebral palsy to college. The release of an MG novel from a writer whose daughter is in the hospital recovering from the removal of a brain tumor. Or tomorrow's release of a debut novel from an author who passed away from cancer in 2011. I was blown away by how writers came together to support one another. Truly humbling to see.
Speaking of helping fellow writers, I enjoyed my first IWSG post last week as well. I whined and complained about not knowing what to write next, and boy did you all come through with ideas and suggestions that work for you. And I took that advice. I watched movies and read books and searched through Pinterest. I people watched and took showers :) and even tried writing prompts. And guess what? I have a new idea that I'm super excited about. I spent the weekend plotting and am anxious to get started. So a huge thanks to YOU, my blog readers, for helping this girl out. Writers are the best! Anything I can help you out with this week--let me know. And don't forget to tell me if you're interested in a 10-page critique in the comments!
Here's an interesting music video (warning for the queasy: there is a pool of blood in one shot) that gets the gears in my writer brain going. Watch it til the end if you have a few minutes, and tell me what you think happened...or will happen next. Happy Monday!
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 28 comments
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Strength and Confessions + giveaways!
About the Author:

Confessions of a Cereal Mother
- Don’t throw your pregnancy test away before the full three minutes is up.
- Unless there is a rush on the grocery store pending a zombie-virus outbreak, never take your kids shopping.
- If your toddler is going to chew on a Band-Aid, hope it’s one found inside the community swimming pools chlorinated pool and not one found in their locker room.
- Never throw up in a cookie sheet.
- Things can always get worse. You could discover your child playing with a used tampon applicator. It’s not a whistle, sweetie.
- And most importantly, the moment one of your children is seriously ill, forget about everything else. You have the greatest honor in the world – being a Mom.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
You have to go after it with a club.
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 29 comments
Monday, March 4, 2013
The anthology is part of a fundraising effort to send the editor's stepson, Andrew McNaughton, to a specialist college in England. Andrew has cerebral palsy, and is a remarkable young man with a promising future. However, the free further education options offered in his own country of Scotland will not challenge him and allow him to progress. In order to access the education he deserves, Andrew will have to pay exorbitant fees, thus creating a situation of discrimination.
Help us get Andrew to college by buying a book that runs the full gamut of human emotions, ultimately leaving you inspired and glad to be alive. Whatever struggles you are going through, our sincere hope is that this book will help.
Posted by ilima at 11:34 AM 12 comments
Friday, March 1, 2013
The Bloghop of Joy
Here are my 5 things for today:
1. Onion volcanoes. No matter how many times I go to a teppanyaki restaurant, I still get giddy in anticipation to see this food show staple.
3. Diving for octopus. So it's not diving so much as snorkeling in the reef with my dad wielding a Hawaiian spear, but it's by far one of my favorite memories growing up and what I look forward to the most when I visit my family back home. Here'a a goofy pic of my dad and our last kill. It was delish!
4. Secret passages. So maybe Downton Abbey has made these cool again, but we actually have one in our house. And it's super cool. Shh! Don't tell.
5. Stop motion videos. They are artsy and raw and oh so creative and beautiful. I also know firsthand that they are very time-consuming to make. So props to those who can make a good one.
What are some things that bring you joy? Tell me in the comments, because maybe it's contagious.
Posted by ilima at 12:00 AM 23 comments
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Who am I anyway?
This is me