I hate the way you're hard to spell and even worse to say.
I hate it when your site goes down in the middle of the day.
I hate the month you choose to live.
I hate your taunting graph.
I hate how all my buddies read my word count with a laugh.
I hate how much my hands hurt and my eyes and rear end too.
I hate that all my words are crap.
I hate staying up 'til two.
I hate it when you're over and my life's no longer stalled.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
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Keep going!
You're awesome!
You can do it!
I believe in you!
That just made my morning! <3
Go you :) tonnes of respect for writers attempting this writing fest.
Second Kyra, I needed a pick me up.
Oh man, this is the best IWSG post I've ever read. I think I know what movie I'll be watching tonight!
The poem works really well, too - it's exactly how I feel about NaNoWriMo!
Perfect list.
I will never laugh at your word count. Promise. :)
Love this! I'm going to think of this and smile when I get back to working on my NaNo novel.... :)
I read that in Julia Stiles voice lol! Love it!
I love that movie!
And your word count rocks!!
That was awesome! And I love that movie so much. :)
That was cute! I've never participated in NaNoWriMo, but I've heard from many writers how crazy it is. One year, I'll attempt it and tell you what I hate about it too. lol
Wow, you had be until the last line.
Sorry, I'm not a NaNo fan and there's not enough time to tell you why.
Good luck with your venture, though, I hope it turns out to be what you expect to.
You rock! You captured NaNo right there. Thanks for making me smile!
I was just listening to the soundtrack of 10 Things I Hate About You the other day and thinking how sad it is that Heath Ledger is gone. And yes, I did recognize your format for that poem. I love that movie!
Anyway... love your list! It's fab! You'll do great with NaNo, Ilima. You're a writing rock star!
You're making me want to watch that movie so bad!! Love the twist you put on that. You're so creative. *hugs*
The crazy Nano dance doesn't seem so bad. Though it's only day 5. lOL
OK, I had to go and check your word count. Nothing to laugh at at all. I'm just staying on track by the skin of my teeth! I am unexpectedly enjoying this year though - I'm sure you are too. :)
Wonderful 'hate' list! Go get them words!!! Yep, I'm shaking those pom-poms and screaming :)
That was funny! A whole lot of hate there. Just keep thinking of Mork and Mindy and you'll be able to say it.
Oh my gosh that was hilarious!!!! I feel the same way minus the part of me actually participating. Kudos to those that have the time to!! Good luck girl. You are going to be fantastic in 10 awesome ways!!!
Nice. I have yet to take part in this. I think it is an awesome idea though.
Aawwwww.... just perfect!
Doing IWSG and NaNo is just plain nuts. But we're writers so what can you do? It is kinda in the job description.
LOVE! Though there is nothing laughable about your AWESOME word count. You're rocking the house of NaNo!
I couldn't even consider doing NaNo right now- so major props to you for doing it. I thought that when my kids went back to school I'd have heaps of time to myself. NOT even close. I have no idea how some moms can work full time and keep their kids fed, clothed and live in a clean house. Good luck with NaNo Ilima- but I'm absolutely certain you will rock it!!
Yeah. I get the hate! lol I was feeling that big time last week. lol
This is so great, I loved this post!
This is SO good! Have a great weekend lady!
Nice, and hilarious! I think we're all starting to feel the NaNo burn since we're a week in. As for your #1 ... bet you can't say "NaNoWriMo" ten times fast. :)
LOVED IT! Love that movie and this post!
I hear you loud and clear. And the first line of your list is mine too. :)
Yeah... I'm actually not such a fan of NaNo, but I don't hate it...or love it. Actually, I'm indifferent because I'm not participating. (*gasp*) *lifting pompoms* Go you!
I think some of the things we hate the most are the things most worth doing. Keep going, Ilima!
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