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I'm sure you know moms out there who hate having their picture taken. They've probably got thousands of photos on the computer of their kids, friends, and family, yet maybe two of them have her in the picture. Maybe you're one of those moms. Because I'm one of those moms.
I'm not wearing make-up, I'm overweight, my outfit sucks, I look weird, I'm so old...whatever the excuse, it's dumb, isn't it? I mean, I love looking back at pictures of my mother no matter what age she was. How devastating it would be to not have those treasures. And the only person that is obsessing over how I look is, well, me. So get over it already.
I'm trying harder. I really am. And I think I'm doing better. But I still had a healthy level of anxiety having my author photo taken. I mean, I'm the only one in the picture. How weird is that? Many thanks to my friend Lindsay who put up with my murmuring long enough to get a few decent shots. I let my husband and a few friends decide and this is the one to get the majority vote, so it's the one I'm going with.
My publisher wants me to use it on my blog, FB, twitter, etc. and so I'm finally going to make the switch. It does look like me, at least. And now when I see writer friends in person they won't be confused about my long hair anymore, haha. Sigh. Why is this so hard?
You're beautiful! You look so friendly and nice and. . .well, we already know you are.
I had to laugh about a mom's appearance. So right on the spot! And make-up: what is that?
Wow... look at all that long hair :)
That is seriously a *great* picture Ilima. You look fantastic :)
Great to see you hosting the group, Ilima, and great to find you.
What were you so worried about. It's a terrific picture. And you have a great smile.
I am one of those mom's too. I'm totally un-photogenic and I hate those people who are. ;) But really, it's true what you said. I love seeing the pictures of my mom when I was young too, so I should really try be in more of them.
What a great photo! You look real and natural and friendly. :)
I've got to get a new photo, too, but I've been putting it off....
LOL. The picture I use has me in a hat and sunglasses, just so no one can see me. I'll need to get that changed sometime soon.
Thanks for co-hosting the ISWG this month.
Your picture is beautiful. I think age, as appose to being a parent, makes us camera shy. It does me. Every now and then the lighting is just right (to hide the bad and highlight the not so bad) and I'm thrilled. But mostly I groan and lament youth. :)
Shah X
Oh, I love it! It's a beautiful shot, you look great! (And yeah, I'm one of those moms, too.) ;)
I still don't have my computer, so no IWSG post for me today, but thanks for hosting any way!
What a FANTASTIC picture!!! You look great! And wouldn't it be nice for your hubby and kids if you could bring that confidence with you and pose for all their pictures? Just smile- and know that no one thinks you look bad but you!
Thanks co-hosting!
I think that's a great picture! I'm OK getting pictures of me taken, as long as there's someone else in the picture. Whenever I try to get a good picture for my blog, the picture just turns out terrible.
I know how you feel. I hate having my picture taken too, and putting it on the internet is scary. But I really like how yours turned out, and it is cool you did it in black and white. It's a really nice shot too. A perfect author photo.
You look AMAZING!! I love that picture, and it looks so much more like you. You're gorgeous :D
I like your author picture! The black and white makes it look even nicer and more classic.
I'm currently childfree, but I don't have a huge amount of pictures of myself in my iPhoto either.
That is a great picture.
I can relate W/ the no pictures of my wife. She doesn't like to have her picture taken. I might be able to guilt her into some with "it's for the kids"
My husband is a professional photographer - that's bad because I can't blame him for messing it up when I don't like how I look. Personally I think a bit out of focus is a good look for me, but he won't do them like that.
I love your new picture! And I remember reading an article (this is grim) about mothers who deleted all their photos and then suffered some sort of premature death. Their children were so sad not to have more pictures of their mothers. Ever since reading that piece I've been careful not to be so judgmental about my own photos.
The silly thing is now that I'm 60 I look back at those mum pictures and wonder why I couldn't see how great I looked. LOL. It's an universal feeling, that's for sure. My mother hated having her pic taken too. I'm so grateful she came to realize how precious those photos would become for her children. Kudos, Ilima. Thanks for co-hosting!
I feel privileged that you trusted me enough to let me take your pictures. You're a rock star and now you have a great photo to prove it. :)
It is hard to be in front of the camera. It is so true that we all need to let go of our insecurities and let our picture be taken. What if you were gone tomorrow? What photographic evidence would you have of your love of life, your joy in being with your family, the way you look when you laugh...?
Here's a great article:
Wow, it's obviously been a while in between photos - look at your long hair! You look wonderful.
Thanks again for co-hosting this month.
What a gorgeous photo! I do sympathize. I'm one of those moms. I have so many pictures of my kid, and many of him and my husband. Few of me. I'm nervous that I'm revealing my new author photo tomorrow as part of my blog tour. Yikes!
Nice pic. I am not a fan of photos. Thanks for hosting. Happy IWSG Day!
For the record, that's an excellent photo of you! I'm worried that it'll outdo the cover of your awesome book. :)
David has given you a way big compliment. How can I compete? Can't so I'll just say you look beautiful and even the black and white emphasizes your lovely hair and face. It's great to take photos now so your kids will have them later.
That's a great picture. It's really an issue of self-image. Maybe you need to talk to someone about it. Also, there is the fear of over-exposure, but it's something we need to face as we put our work, and selves, out into the world. You can do it. You're strong and creative!
Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month.
That's a lovely photo of you! I'm insecure about pictures of me too. We are too critical of ourselves. You are beautiful! :)
Ha! I'm totally there with you. I do not enjoy taking my pics but you are right, it's important to capture ourselves for memories sake.
You look absolutely beautiful, by the way ;)
That is a beautiful picture. Change is good.
I love the picture! You look absolutely gorgeous! :)
It's a very pretty picture, too! Just tell them it's a weave. hehe
Oh, and thanks for co-hosting! <3
Well, not to sound creepy, but I think you look awesome and that's a great pic to use.
Best of luck with the social media stuff and thanks for co-hosting, this month :)
Great photo of you. I have a secret for my author photo. I sit in my red Mustang, so nobody looks at me,,,just the cool car. !! Thanks for co-hosting this week!
I'd never thought of you with long hair but it looks fab. Your photo is lovely you should show it off with pride.
I must admit I'm not keen on having my pic taken either.
Ah, vanity. This is the byproduct of all those models being airbrushed to beautiful in the magazines. How can a REAL person ever live up to that perfection???? It would be much easier if they just used the original, imperfect shot of the actress or model. Now that we could accept and live up to in our own lives. Instead, we run from the camera and pray no one ever takes our photo. We do not get airbrushed. We look "terrible."
Good for you on throwing it out there. We all need to stop running from the camera like our tails are on fire.
For the record, your picture is lovely. And current. Go you!!!
LOL! I guess there are some perks to having hair that never grows.
That's a great picture, btw. Make the switch already!
Hey, that's a great picture!!! You look lovely. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this month's IWSG, it's lovely to meet you.
Tessa (currently posting both at Tessa's Blurb and The Book Bunnies)
I laughed when you wrote, "I'm the only one in the picture" because I can relate (harder to hide behind someone that way). Sometimes I wonder if my daughter will remember what I looked like when she's grown. In my blog photo I have a book over my face.
When I look at the photo of you I see a lovely (nice dimples), cool (the necklace speaks to me)woman with a bit of sass to her (the angle of the shot). Rest assured you picked a winner!
That picture is gorgeous!
But I'm the same way. All I think of when I see my photo is: big chin, big nose, bushy eyebrows. Oy.
Ah! That picture is perfect! It looks just like you :)
How exciting is this???
Such a beautiful lady!
You are gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, my dear. In real life or in a picture. I'm glad you're finally updating your author pic. I need to do the same. The one on my blog is from before I had my third baby! But my eyes look all wonky in my new pics, and my hair's like a mullet. Time for retakes!
Thank you Ilima for stopping by my blog today and joining. I totally understand about having your picture taken. I didn't want my picture on my book, or on my FB page. You're young and beautiful show it off.
Thanks for checking out my blog and your words of encouragement! It made my day. Great photo BTW!
You look fabulous, Ilima! I just had new author photos taken (because my hair is usually dark now, so I thought it appropriate to update them). Not sure if I'll like them, but we'll see. I adore your pic!
It's a great photo. That anxiety is very familiar, though, so well done for overcoming it.
Illima you look lovely in the photograph, so please stop fretting. I too hate my photographs being taken, but its a necessary evil that we just have to get it over and done with. It must be a writer thing.
Rachna Chhabria
Co-host IWSG
Rachna's Scriptorium
That's a great picture! *says the person with an avatar* I know exactly what you mean. I hate pictures of me and yet I love looking back at photos. Maybe writers are more hypercritical in other ways - like photos - because we are sensitive souls to begin with? That's my story and I'm sticking with it...and I'll think about taking a real picture... ;)
Love the photo, you look great. But, I can also relate to your feelings about photos,I hate having mine taken too!
Love the photo and you are gorgeous so you have nothing to worry about. I do understand your insecurity tho, have a look at my avatar the next time you visit my blog, that's my best feature! Maybe one day I'll change it, but not now.
I totally understand you about moms and pictures. I am one of those moms. That said, this picture is stunning, as are you. I'm excited to see the picture popping up all over the place. And how great that you're helping host IWSG this month. Go you!
The pic is amazing. I seriously ADORE you!!!!
I am camera shy too. I just feel so awkward being the only one in front of the camera and smiling at it. Why do we do this? I don't know. lol
And I think your author pic is great! :D
Oh wow, I think that's a beautiful picture!! And I'm not just saying that, and I'm not related to you, so I really do mean it :) I get the insecurity, oh yes, but trust how great of a pic that is. And don't be afraid to use it!
It's charming! Go with it!
Diana at About Myself By Myself
You're beautiful inside and out, Ilima! Love the author photo - it looks magnificent.
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