I have a website. My husband made it for me. You can find it here.

I think it's beautiful. He just updated it this week with my Remake cover. Go and check out the Projects page to see it. Then come back and tell me which cover (or premise) is your favorite.
Sometimes I wonder why I'd need both a blog AND website, but it is a professional looking landing spot for readers who want to find out more about me and my books--when I'm published, rich, and famous. Of course.
Do you have a website or blog or both? (I know a blog is a website, but you know what I mean :)
I'm jealous! It's gorgeous. My son keeps insisting I should have one, but I'm still not sure what the benefits would be. (Except for an awesome looking website, of course!)
Your husband did a fab job on your website. Love how it changed to blue on 'projects'. I'll get a website when I get published, for now though it's just my blog.
I like the color changes. Cool. I have no website, just a blog.
The website, with the background of the trees changing colours is beautiful. It looks very professional. The way you introduces your four books is great. It's impressive that you have already 4 complete novels. I like the covers for the last three books. The second cover is beautiful and cathcy in a book store. The third one reminds me of Avatar. The fourth one is unique but doesn't match well the storyline. I can give you detailed comments on all four books, but will focus here only on REMAKE, because it has the best poterntial to be your best seller. Fiona's comment from last time was good and you need to change the words that Nine wants to be a boy to make her brave. Better way is to say that on her planet girls and boy are born with special skills, and she thought that she will need the special skills of a boy in order to fight well. Girls (Katniss) are brave as boys, but Nine needed special skills. The cover is gothic and describes a girl who is like in a religious setting or a Vampire story. For me, Nine is a shy girl who is thrown into a situation and becomes a kiss ass fighter like Katniss. The cover should describe Nine as a kick ass fighter. Go to the website of Amie Kaufmann from Australia and read her book about teens crushing into a planet. Read the "news" section to find out why REMAKE has the potential to be huge.
Hey Ilima, I'm with you on trying to figure out why we need both blogs and websites, but I still want both! :-) One of these days I'll make myself an official website...it may not be until I'm published, though. (And I may just hire your husband!) And Remake is my favorite book/premise on your website!
What a talented pair you and your husband make. The website is SW-EET! Your books look amazing, love the covers and teasers.
There is no doubt in my mind with all of the talent you possess, your goals of being published, rich, and famous, will be well met Ilima!
I love your website. It is amazing :)
T. Drecker-I'm lucky to have a husband who designs websites for a living.
Em-Musing-Thanks. It may not get much traffic until I'm published, either.
Suzi-Thanks. I think it feels mystic/YA.
Giora-No special skills, foreign planets, Katniss-type fighting in Remake. It's dystopian, not high sci-fi. But thanks for the feedback.
Katie-Yay. It's my favorite too!
Jaybird-Thanks. He pretty much rocks my world. :)
Your website is so beautiful! Your husband did an amazing job, if I say so myself. I think it's good that you have a blog and a separate website. It reflects your professional side (in the website) and your personal side (in the blog). I only have a blog, but if I ever were to publish - fingers crossed! - then I think I would establish a separate website. I would link to my blog of course, but I'd rather keep the two separate.
It looks great! I like the premise of A Single Feather and Remake the best, but love the cover of Koa's Passage as well. Nice job :)
Beautiful, your husband did an amazing job.
I have both, each with a different look and I like each. My website is a work in progress though, will have to get more serious about it once I get my first WIP ready for publication.
You're right, your website is beautiful. I vote for Remake, hands down (er, up?)
Fiona-Thank you. Those were my thoughts on blogs vs. websites too.
Shiela-Koa's Passage is an MG novel and I think the cover is perfect for it. Thanks for checking them all out.
Donna-I like having different looks, too. Thanks for visiting.
Sara-I'll take hands down AND up! I love Remake so much, I'm glad you like it.
I loved your website. I used to have both, but I ended up just putting all the stuff from my website onto my blog as pages. Of course, my website was made on iWeb and not nearly as cool as the one your hubby made.
LOVE. I want to go to there.
Ohhhh... SO JEALOUS! I've bought my domain, but haven't started the site yet...
I like Unfold Me the best... GORGEOUS COVER.
Julie-If I were smart enough to figure out how to put pages on my blog, I may have done that too. :)
Emily-I love it when the inner Lemon comes out to play. :)
Morgan-Thanks. I like that one too.
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