I'm feeling lucky this week for a number of reasons:
1) Child #3 is turning nine. Nine is the name of my current MC. This has to mean something good. :)
2) I wrote over 20,000 words last week. Ya, you heard me, over TWENTY THOUSAND WORDS. Which also means I'll finish drafting my fourth novel this week. Yipee.
3) I've hit 100 followers and you all rock! In fact, if you are a follower (new followers welcome) and leave a comment on this post within the next week, you'll be entered for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Oh, yeah baby. And if you blog, tweet, facebook, scream off a rooftop about it, you'll earn an extra entry...just let me know in your comment. See? This is your lucky week too!
5) I secured airline tickets for a week at the beach in Georgia, and two+ weeks at the beach in Hawaii this year. Be jealous, go ahead, I'll allow it.
6) Also my husband found his dream car (across the country--he's driving it home as I type) and I'm thrilled for him.
7) So to carry on the luck and to help spread it to others, I'll finally cave after being tagged a number of times for The Lucky Seven Meme. Here are the det's:
1. Go to page 77 of your current MS.
2. Go to line 7.
3. Copy down the next 7 lines and post them as they're written. No cheating.
4. Tag 7 authors.
5. Let them know.
So, here goes:
I can’t breathe. I try to take in air but nothing comes.
“Nine?” It’s Ara’s voice.
I look to my left and see him walking up the shore, holding a mass of tangled rope on his shoulder. Kai is behind him, holding more rope. No—they are holding the same rope…a net, draped between the two of them.
Breathe, Nine. Breathe.
“Nine, what’s wrong?” Ara asks. “What are you doing here? Where’s Pua?”
Haha. Nothing too spoilery. I'm going to tag the last seven people to leave a comment on my blog:
Don't forget to follow my blog and comment on this post for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card! I hope you all have a lucky week. :)
I didn't even see it coming . . . the heavy hand of Ilima reaching through my computer screen. Just let me win the gift card and I'll forgive you:)
Congrats on 100 followers!! I blogged your giveaway and will be tweeting shortly. (you'll see it)
Congrats on your followers and all the other wonderful things happening for you!
I didn't write 20,000 words this week but i came pretty darn close. You are awesome lady! Way to go!
Wow, congratulations on all the wonderful things that have happened to you!
Also, I really liked the teaser from your WIP. Definitely makes me want to know more about what's going on.
It's amazing,Ilima, that you can write so many words in one week. If you continue like thsi you can finish a novel in on month. But I guess you just write first draft quickly, what ever comes to your mind, and then will go slowly and rewrite. I just came home after watching the "Hunger Games". I'm not an avid reader, and didn't read the books, but really enjoyed the movie. I understand that you live in Hawaii. So how does it work with the car? Your husband drives it to LA and then goes with it on a boat to Hawaii?
Some info for you ...if any of your novel is set in Hawaii, you might wish to contact University of Hawaii Press. I met them last at the Asian Association Studies Conference and they accept fiction novels if they are in Hawaii (usually they only publish academic books). So, good luck and no need to put me in the contest, cause I don't buy online. Best wishes to you and your family.
Congratulations on 100 followers, and your child's 9th birthday! Thanks for tagging me, but I haven't even begun writing an MS yet. Best of luck with yours, and I can tell you're off to a great start! Over 20,000 words is amazing! Julie
Robin-Ha! I'd never be able to catch you in real life, you're too speedy for me. Yay for cyberspace. Thanks for the blog and tweet mentions.
Kelley-Thanks! I can't believe I wrote more than you in one week. Do you see any pigs flying?
Tobi-Thanks for the teaser love. This manuscript is my baby :)
Giora-I moved to the mainland, gasp, 7 years ago. My whole family is still in Hawaii, though, so we get to visit often. Thanks for the kind words.
Julie-No biggie. And thanks for the congrats!
20,000 words in one week. How did you do that? Grats with the 100 followers :)
Congrats on the followers, car, and vacations :) I am totally jealous!
Great teaser!!!
Anna-I'm a zombie on the inside. :)
Angie-You can be jealous. It's all good. :)
Sound like you're having a good week. Love your excerpt and Hummers are my favorite cars too.
Congrats on your followers! And thanks for the tag. I see I messed up a bit (I put 7 sentences instead of 7 lines...) hmmm... I'll repost tomorrow :)
Thanks for the tag but I was tagged a few weeks back and posted from my current WIP - I can't put up my other manuscripts as they are already in the hands of my agent. But thanks for thinking of me!!!!!
Julie-yes, they are pretty cool, huh?
T. Drecker-I think your 7 sentences are fantastic. Thanks for playing again.
Jaye-no biggie, good luck with all those manuscripts.
Well done on the ton-up.
20K words. I'm jealous.
Oooh, what a mysterious excerpt. Why can't Nine breathe. Kinda reminds me of my book. :-) *sings Take My Breath Away from Top Gun*
Seriously, though, Ilima, I'm so dang proud of you for writing your butt off and finishing your book so quickly. Just think of all the sleep coming your way!
Martin-Thanks so much!
Katie-Mmm, Lancelot. <3
Woohoo Hunger Games! I loved it so much. And I love the excerpt :).
And 20,000 words is incredibly. I'm soooo jealous!
Kate-I loved it so much too. Can't wait to see it again!
Sounds like your'e having one heck of a week. Congrats!!
Love the Lucky 7.
20,000 WORDS?!?!?!?
And loved your little excerpt... verrry fun. You've been busy, girl! :D
You're one prolific writer!
---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Wow! 20,000 words. In my dreams! Doesn't success rub off? If so, I'm keeping you as cyber close as possible!
Intriguing excerpt. Why can't Nine breathe?
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