I've got SIX great things to share today from the Ka'ao blogfront.
1) I reward myself with a book cover design (which may or may not involve begging the husband into designing it for me) when I finish the first draft of a book...it's amazing how motivational this can be. Now that I'm querying my first novel, I decided as a reward for whipping it into query-shape I'd order myself a tangible copy of the book with said cool cover. And look what I got in the mail last week:
Talk about satisfying. I think I spent five minutes just smelling it and running my fingers across each page. Isn't it beautiful?

2) I hit 50 followers last week, and still growing. Who-hoo. I love the blogging community and the many friends I've made. You guys rock! Stay tuned for a fun giveaway when I hit the elusive 100 followers!
3) I finally got past the planning stages of my new WIP, the YA sci-fi, and started writing the dang thing. My notes are only about 22 single-spaced pages...I told ya...*anal writer here*. But I am so excited about this first chapter. I am revising it heavily, and it usually takes me a while to get that start right, but wow, I can't sleep at night because I'm so pumped. Also, my first chapter alone includes the following words: breasts, sex (twice), naked, damn, hell (twice), and genitalia. Not a big deal for the YA market, I know. But when the worst thing in my first book was the word damn three times (and one of those is in a different language, so doesn't really count), this kinda makes me laugh...and nervous for what else I'm gonna have to write in this one. *still excited though*
4) I am going to the LTUE conference at UVU this weekend. It's my first time and I'm so excited! Anyone else going? I hope to share some helpful notes I learn there on the blog so stay tuned.
5) I've been awarded some fun blog awards from Kelley at Between the Bookends and Victoria at Confessions of a Twenty Something Fiction Writer. Thanks ladies! Go check out their blogs right now--they are fantastic.

Each blog award comes with a slightly different set of rules, but for the sake of simplicity, I will just share 5 random facts about moi:

a. My favorite food is avocado, and if I could eat an avocado-tomato-cucumber sandwich every day for the rest of my life, I would.
b. I have a degree in Physics with a minor in both Math and Dance. Naturally, I became a writer. But, you never know when my mad tap-dancing and astronomy skills may come in handy.
c. I am part-Hawaiian and grew up on the north shore of Oahu. Of course, it took moving to the 'mainland' as an adult to realize how cool that really was. Now I get to write about all that coolness whenever I feel like it (and take frequent trips home to see my parents...for research purposes only, of course).
d. I have four amazing kids...and we homeschool. Do not ask me how I find time to write, because I honestly don't know. It involves a lot of late nights.
I want to pass these awards onto four of my favoritest peeps in the world, my critique partners Emily, Katherine, Taryn, and Robin. We all met in a class taught by the wonderful author Louise Plummer at a writer's conference, and it was one of the best things to ever happen to me and my writing. I LOVE these girls, so go and check them out right now.
6) And my final bit of great news: One of those lovely CP's of mine has some BIG NEWS to share very VERY soon. I can barely keep it in. I will let you know who and what as soon as I am allowed. Ooooh it's so hard for me to contain.:)
Have a happy day, all!
Someone has big news?!?! =D
I didn't know you were a math minor! I LOVE MATH!
Thank you for the award, lovely Ilima!
That's a gorgeous cover! Maybe your hubby can do a little freelance work.
Congrats! Love the smell of new books...especially when they are YOURS.
I home-schooled my two eldest as they hated school (my youngest loves it). It's hard sometimes, but when they grow up the rewards are well worth it. They're far better balanced than other kids their age and know how to get motivated.
Wow, some great things have happened. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Ilima! Congrats on the 50+ followers. I'm sure you'll reach 100 soon.
A tangible book to hold in your hands, gotta feel SO good.
Wow! LOVE the cover!
And I love avocados. I really wish I had one right now...
lovely cover. Congrats on finishing you novel and good luck querying it. I'll be at LTUE too. Hope to see you there!
Love the cover! It's beautiful. And also, fifty followers! I'm uber impressed.
You and the Plums are also the greatest thing that's happened to me!
Congrats all around! And I love the cover :).
Good luck with querying!
This cover is amazing! Dude. Just awesome!
Congrats on the followers. Double WAHOO!
And all those awards wow! You're super deserving of them :)
You have so much going on. That is an amazing cover, I wish I knew how to do that. I love that you reward yourself upon completing your draft with a tangible book to hold. That is an incredible idea. Thanks for visiting my blog. It is a small world. I lived on the North Shore for three years in the early 80's. Good luck with everything. I will be back often to read your blog.
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